Our January Event
You are invited to hear:
Are We Seeing the Emergence of a New Anti-Islamist Intelligentsia?
Monday, 22nd January, 7 for 7.30pm
Are We Seeing the Emergence of a New Anti-Islamist Intelligentsia?
Monday, 22nd January, 7 for 7.30pm
The Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, Westminster, London SW1A 2LW
(next to Westminster Tube)
The British intelligentsia has traditionally been characterised by its adherence to the doctrines of multiculturalism, cultural relativism and internationalism.
But as Western values face an onslaught from a hostile and increasingly emboldened Islam, and established political allegiances either fracture or make disturbing new alliances, are we witnessing a major new intellectual shift?
Some of the foremost literary figures of our time - Martin Amis, Ian McEwan and Salman Rushdie - have spoken about the threat which Islamism poses to Western culture. Prominent left-of-centre journalists and academics, disturbed by much of the left’s unthinking anti-Americanism and seeming fondness for dictators, have formed the Euston Manifesto Group. And amongst the left/liberal-leaning cultural and media establishment, attitudes are hardening as issues of cultural ‘sensitivity’ and self-censorship in relation to Islam come increasingly to the fore. Is a new anti-Islamist intelligentsia emerging?
Michael Gove, Member of Parliament for Surrey Heath and Shadow Minister for Housing, is one of Britain’s leading writers and thinkers on terrorism and foreign affairs. Michael was founding chairman of Policy Exchange, and is a founder member of the Henry Jackson Society. As well as being a columnist for The Times, he has been a frequent panellist on Radio 4’s The Moral Maze and BBC2’s Newsnight Review. His most recent book, Celsius 7/7, was published last year.
Do join us for what promises to be an important and fascinating talk. It will be followed by a Q & A session.
Please RSVP at events@newcultureforum.org.uk
We would kindly ask for a £5 donation on the evening towards drinks.
Leading thinker on terrorism and foreign affairs? Not exactly George Kennan is he?
I am interested in hearing Michael Gove's perspective on this important topic.
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